NPA Tender For Bulk Road Vehicle Tanker Parking Lot & Office Building

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NPA Tender For Bulk Road Vehicle Tanker Parking Lot & Office Building


The National Petroleum Authority (NPA) intends to utilise part of its Internally Generated Funds (IGF) towards eligible payments under the contract for the Management of its Bulk Road Vehicle (BRV) Tanker Parking Lot and Office Building.

Detailed Terms of Reference and performance requirements are provided in the Request for Proposal (RFP) Document. NPA now invites sealed Proposals from interested and eligible Service

Providers for the procurement of the above mentioned Service. Tendering will be conducted through the National Competitive Tendering (NCT) procedures specified in the Public Procurement Act, 2003 (Act 663) as amended, and in accordance with the guidelines issued by the Public Procurement Authority (PPA) of the Republic of Ghana.




Interested eligible Service Providers may obtain further information in writing to or at the Procurement Department, address given below from 8:30 a.m — 5:00 p.m on Mondays to Friday.

A complete set of RFP documents may be purchased by interested eligible Service Providers upon payment of a non-refundable fee of Two Hundred Ghana Cedis (GHS 200.00) at the Finance Department located on the Fourth Floor, Room 416, at the address below. The method of payment will be by Bankers draft or Certified Cheque in the name of the National Petroleum Authority.

RFP Documents would be on sale between 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. each working day from the date Of publication to the deadline for submission. Sealed Proposals, clearly marked "REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF TANKER PARKING LOT AND OFFICE BUILDING" must be delivered to the address below and deposited in the Tender Box located on the First Floor, Room 102, at the address below at or before 10:00 a.m. on 24th May, 2019.

Proposals shall be valid for One Hundred and Twenty (120) days after the deadline for Tender submission.




All Proposals shall be accompanied by the following documents:

  • Evidence of PPA Centralised Database Registration
  • Valid SSNIT Clearance Certificate;
  • Valid GRA Tax Clearance Certificate; and
  • Tender Security of ten thousand Ghana Cedis (GHS 10,000.00) in the form of Bank Guarantee or Certified Cheque and must be valid for a period prescribed in the Tender Document.

Late Proposals will not be accepted and will be returned unopened to the Service Provider. Proposals will be opened in the presence of Service Providers' representatives who choose to attend at the address below at 10:05 a.m. (immediately after closure) on 24th May, 2019. A register of potential service providers who have purchased the request for proposal document may be inspected at the address below.

The Chief Executive
National Petroleum Authority
No. 6 George Walker Bush Highway
Dzorwulu, Accra

Tel: +233 (0)302 766 195/6

Source: Daily Graphic



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