Public Relations Manager - Jumia Ghana

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Jumia is the leading pan-Africa e-commerce platform. Founded in 2012, Jumia’s mission is to improve the quality of everyday life in Africa by leveraging technology to deliver innovative, convenient and affordable online services to consumers, while helping businesses grow as they use our platform to reach and serve consumers.

Our platforms consist of our marketplace, which connects sellers with consumers, our logistics service, which enables the shipment and delivery of packages from sellers to consumers, and our payment service, which facilitates transactions among participants active on our platform in selected markets. Through our online platforms, consumers can access a wide range of physical and digital goods and services, fashion, electronics, beauty products and also hotel and flight bookings or restaurant delivery.

With over 3,000 employees in 14 countries spanning across 6 African regions, Jumia is led by top talented leaders offering a great mix of local and international talents and is backed by very high-profile shareholders. Jumia is committed to creating sustainable impact for Africa. Jumia offers unique opportunities in a vibrant and booming environment, creating new jobs, new skills, and empowering a new generation

We are looking for talented people with a passion for Africa to join our team and embark on our exciting journey

Main Duties & Responsibilities:

    Planning, developing and implementing PR strategies 
    Managing enquiries from media, individuals and other organisations 
    Researching, writing and distributing press releases to targeted media 
    Planning publicity strategies and campaigns 
    Organising events including press conferences, exhibitions, open days and press tours 
    Managing and sharing content with users on social media sites such as Twitter and Facebook 
    Managing the PR aspect of a potential crisis situation 
    Creating and managing brochures, handouts, direct mail leaflets, promotional videos, photographs, etc 
    Analysing media coverage 
    Distributing information about new promotional opportunities and current PR campaigns progress 
    Speaking publicly at interviews, press conferences and presentation


Required Skills & Qualifications:

    Good First Degree from a recognised university
    MBA/Master's from top business or recognized university
    5+ years professional experience in PR management
    Must be a confident communicator and presenter
    Must possess excellent verbal and written communication skills
    Must possess excellent organizational and planning skills
    Have a full understanding of media needs and media relationships
    Must be a confident communicator and presenter
    Must possess excellent verbal and written communication skills
    Must possess excellent organizational and planning skills
    Have a full understanding of media needs and media relationships

We Offer:

    A unique experience in an entrepreneurial, yet structured environment;
    The opportunity to become part of a highly professional and dynamic team working around the world;
    An unparalleled personal and professional growth given the challenges that we propose you to take.

How To Apply

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