Communication Intern - GIZ Ghana

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As a federal company, GIZ supports the Federal Government in achieving its goals in international cooperation for sustainable development.

The Market Oriented Agriculture Programme (MOAP) is implemented on behalf of the Federal German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and mainly supporting horticultural value chains in the South and the Middle Belt. Since 2017 and with the funding of the EU (11th European Development Fund) MOAP has extended its operations to the Northwest (NW) of Ghana to support seven value chains to prepare communities for infrastructure investments which are planned in the frame of EDF support to agriculture in Ghana.


Your tasks

The purpose of the internship is to promote the acquisition of professional knowledge, skills and experience. You will receive professional guidance on the relevant department’s areas of responsibility so that you can relate these to the overall context of the company. Your responsibilities will include the following (selection):

  • Ensure strategic and timely flow of information and key messages about MOAP’s operations and its work in Ghana to key external and internal audiences
  • Work closely with the teams in the South and North-West to organize press briefings; public, print media, or broadcast media appearances; and other communications-related activities



  • Write and/or oversee the preparation, production, and dissemination of both routine and complex outreach products (e.g., backgrounders, media packets, news releases, op-eds/articles, radio/TV broadcasts, powerpoint presentations, brochures, Q&As, videos, websites, speeches, briefing notes, feature stories, etc.) that promote the image of MOAP to key internal and external audiences
  • Monitor and analyze public and press opinion
  • Identify opportunities for MOAP to improve dialogue and outreach (including joint seminars and press events) and to strengthen MOAOP’s overall effectiveness and image
  • Work independently, seeking guidance on complex projects/issues from more senior staff


Your profile

  • Studies or degree in Communications, International Relations/Public Affairs, Journalism, Marketing, Political Science or other relevant field
  • Proven writing and editing skills, fluency in Polish with a strong command of English, and an ability to convey complex ideas in a creative, clear, direct, and lively style
  • Knowledge and applied work experience in social media sufficient to execute, lead, or advise others in assuring that online communication and audience engagement tools and channels are fully leveraged
  • Ability to prioritize, work well under pressure and capably handle/juggle multiple tasks within tight deadlines
  • Strong computer skills – has the ability to use standard technology packages


How To Apply

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