International Community School Job Vacancy for ICT Teacher

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International Community School Ghana is a world-class institution providing students with an inclusive holistic and international education needed to succeed in college/university and become a public leader.

We educate confident, responsible and engaged learners from pre-school through to high school. Our students take the Cambridge International Exams, IGCSE and the AS/A Level Exams.


The ICT Teacher will provide a balanced curriculum and maintain progress of all class members through the relevant subject at a pace suitable to their age and development and use appropriate skills and techniques of differentiation.

He/She will develop the ICT curriculum so that it continues to be relevant to students’ and teachers’ use of ICT.

Assess students’ work and guide them towards achieving appropriate qualifications according to the IGCSE syllabus or other syllabus agreed with the school.


To teach ICT to pupils between the ages of 13 and 19 years.

  • To teach in as differentiated a way as possible to meet the needs of all pupils.
  • To ensure that homework, when given, is marked to provide timely feedback to pupils.
  • Mark and evaluate pupils work and write reports.
  • To maintain discipline so that the learning objectives of the class and the provisions of the School’s Health and Safety policy are met.
  • To ensure that good study habits are developed in the class.
  • To work closely with the Learning Support Department in order that the best methods are used for children with a Learning Difference.
  • Liaise with parents on the subject
  • To take part in the appraisal of his/her own work performance and must be prepared to assist in the appraisal and observation of colleagues where required.
  • Attend all relevant meetings
  • Will be a key member of the ICT Development Mandate carrying responsibility for effective use of ICT throughout the school.
  • Cover for absent colleagues.
  • Will also be responsible for classroom work
  • To operate within School policies and procedures, including the Code of Conduct, Safeguarding, Equal Opportunities and Health and Safety.
  • To ensure as part of the School that reasonable measures are in place to ensure that the risks of harm to children’s welfare are minimized.
  • To attend occasional teachers’ conferences, to form a relationship with the children outside the lesson time (for instance, at break time), and to deepen understanding of the young child through study.
  • Any other duties reasonably requested by the school.


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