Software Engineer - iPay

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iPay is a technology company empowering businesses and individuals, by removing the complexities of receiving and making payments to increase their productivity and deepen customer loyalty. Our mission is to be the simplest, safest and fastest way to get paid online, in-store and via mobile devices for businesses and individuals in their local currencies in Africa.

Software Engineer – Web Frontend


About the Role

As a member of the engineering team, you will be working on UI/UX for all our applications including web apps. You will be working with our backend engineering team to build scalable highly ‘performant’ and beautiful systems.



Basic Qualifications

You have strong command of a frontend stack (Javascript/React/CSS) and are up to date with the latest UI and UX design trends. Frameworks like AngularJS/Flux/Redux are a plus.


Preferred Qualifications

You have knowledge of a backend language such as PHP, C++, Node.js, Python, Redis or Golang.

You are eager to learn new technologies and are not resigned to staying in your comfort zone by limiting yourself only to technologies you are already familiar with.

You are driven by passion, enthusiasm and energy. You are eager to do your best and see new challenges as an opportunity to contribute, make an impact, and grow.

Unquenchable thirst for growth. You're not just looking for the next interesting challenge but looking to push yourself to keep pace in our hyper-growth environment.

How To Apply

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