Data Science Intern - Roche

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At Roche, we believe data analytics methods can facilitate physicians’ effort to provide better care. In the Data and Analytics Chapter, we leverage the potential of knowledge gained from data. You will have the opportunity to leverage your knowledge in industry, working with our data scientists around the world with a diversified background and culture.

Key Responsibilities:

As a data science intern, you will research and implement data analytical techniques and methodologies based on different sources of data that will enable our business partner to make their decisions.




  • Graduate level (master or phd ongoing) academic ground in computer science/system engineering/statistics/mathematics, etc.

  • Demonstrated research capability or project experience in mathematical modeling /statistical modeling/ complex system engineer, etc.

  • Hands-on programming experience (Python, R, etc) along with a solid understanding or knowledge of statistical and machine learning models. You have experience in implementing statistical learning methods or deep learning frameworks to solve problems.

  • Keen on expanding your experience and leveraging analytics methodologies in a world leading pharmaceutical company.

  • Excellent communication and effective problem-solving skills, track record in serving a variety of diverse customers and projects

  • Ability to work independently, prioritize within an interdisciplinary environment that includes scientists, engineers, business and consultants

How To Apply

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